Columbae's Kittens 2015


Ch.Hylily Priceless Picasso (TOS n 32) Brown


11 August 2015

Columbae (aka Ceebee) had a very long journey to visit with her partner "Monty", but she took it all in her stride and only one trip was necessary. The result a lovely litter of seven kittens, born without any assistance. CEEB is being a really super mum, very protective and loving, she has lots of milk and the kittens are all doing very well.

Columbae (Ceebee) has done a marvellous job of rearing these kittens, they are all very active and love their food. They have very friendly and affectionate natures and I will be sad when they all leave for their new homes.

The Males

Nash (74) - Adopted
Rasalas (74) - Adopted
Algieba (74) - Adopted

The Females

Shenandoah (74 40 1) - Retained
Naledi (74 40 1) - Adopted
Aster (74 40 1) - Adopted
Asta (74 40 1) - Adopted