Well, Neko had his 3rd birthday back in February, and Lily's 3rd birthday is fast approaching on the 22nd. Time seems to have flown, and they are well established in their territories, with Neko now facing his adversaries head on, recently receiving a bite which caused an abscess between his eye and ear. He was such a brave, good boy for me, allowing me to bathe it often in warm salt water to allow the wound to drain and eventually heal.
Neko has taken a shine to Tony, and rolls at his feet for a fuss and belly rub. He has become more affectionate towards me too, but won't sit on our laps, or be picked up and cuddled for long and that's a shame because his coat is so soft and plush that it's just asking to be snuggled up to! He is a very busy boy, though, and spends lots of time outside, in any weather. A neighbour told me he has also been in her conservatory, sitting at the opposite end from her own cat, on her sofa!
Thankfully Neeks seems to have gone off bringing home young ducklings and moorhens, sticking to a daily catch or two of mouse or vole, the remains of which I find each morning on the kitchen carpet. Lily too catches and eats mice now, (used to be shrews but of course, they are not good to try and eat), and she still has a fascination for slow worms.
Neko's sleeping habits always make me smile - he quite often lies completely stretched out, legs in all directions, and being quite a big boy he takes up a lot of room. He looks sooo relaxed and content. Lily curls up but often sticks a leg out. They both like to share a bed with Claude, but rarely with each other.
I've attached some recent photos:
(I give them two different flavours/types of food at each meal, so that if they don't feel like one, they can choose the other. They usually eat both, except on odd occasions when they treat both as 'poison' and stalk off disdainfully!)
Anyhow, as you can see, they are enjoying their lives in the country, and every day they make me smile a million times.
I hope all is well - I still check your website now and then just to see if any blues been born/available - but of course, I won't have any more kittens now, so I just like to dream about adding a blue to my family, lol!
All 3 waiting for me to go indoors and do their tea
Neko peering out from a shady place
Lily and Clover side by side at meal time, after Lily actually managed to make me understand that she wanted her tea right next to Clover. She often dictates where she wants it!
Lily (unfortunately with a mouse at her feet)
A very rare photo of Neko and Lily in the same bed