Ch. Phabbay Galactic Comet (TOS n 33)

3rd March 2018
The Males
Astin - Brown Tabby TCR (Reserved)
Suhail - Brown CPP (Reserved)
Thaqib - Blue Tabby CPP (Reserved)
The Females
Nova - Blue Tabby TCR (Reserved)
Danika - Brown Tabby TCR (Reserved)
Valini - Brown CPP (Reserved)
Estela - Brown TCR (Reserved)
Hetty - Blue Tabby CPP (Reserved)
Sitara is a super little mum, I knew she was carrying a large litter so wanted to keep a good eye on her but she got on with giving birth and needed no assistance from me. Eight kittens born which is definitely going to take its toll on her physically but all are lively and some very noisy little Tonks.