Ch. Phabbay Galactic Comet (TOS b 33)

19th January 2019
The Males
Shama (Lilac CPP) - Adopted
Ciro (Chocolate TCR) - Adopted
Stash (Lilac TCR) - Adopted
The Females
Sunspot (Chocolate CPP) - Adopted
Solstice (Chocolate CPP) - Adopted
Elena (Chocolate CPP) - Adopted
Tally is the most 'chilled out' cat, she did not show any signs of labour during the evening and continued to munch away at her food bowl. I checked her at 0100hrs, gave her some more supper and went to bed. One hour later I went in to her and she already had four kittens, all clean and content. Over the next three hours a further three arrived and were dealt with in the same efficient and calm manner. They were all happily guzzling away when I finally went off to bed at 0530hrs. These kittens are really relaxed, just like mum. They are all growing rapidly and at three weeks they are looking over the top of their box and starting to play together.
Male kitten Shama has been adopted by a breeder in Poland so he will be making his way over there this summer. He is an adorable boy who is sure to charm all the Queens and Princesses.