Marajade Filius Flitwick (24)

3rd June 2013
The Males
Avior (Adopted)
The Females
Alsafi - 74av (Adopted)
Alya - 74v
Atria - 74v (Adopted)
Alrescha - 74v (Adopted)
Rhea is very proud to announce the birth of her six babies - four female, 2 male - and all little darlings. Labour and birth went smoothly and her sister Helene was there the entire time to lend support. Rhea has settled into motherhood like a duck to water and all babies are growing and eating well.
Now 7 weeks old these kittens have been enjoying the lovely sunshine and being able to run around in their outside enclosure, they have their Aunt Helene and Grandma Carina to keep an eye on them as well as their mum.
Most of Rheas kittens have gone on to their forever homes but two of them are still waiting. At four months I have now had Azha neutered as I did not want any accidents. Both are lovely kittens but are definitely in need of someone to give them lots of love and attention. I would prefer them to go together.