Gr. Ch. Sandy points Sir Alexi - (SIA b) Chocolate Point

11th February 2017
The Males
Qatar -Seal Point (Reserved)
Shashi - Chocolate Point (Adopted)
The Females
Lilah - Seal Point (Adopted)
Sohalia - Chocolate Point (Adopted)
Purnima - Chocolate Point (Adopted)
Chandani - ChocolatePoint (Adopted)
This is Selene's first litter so she decided to wait and watch how to proceed from her pal Talayeh. Selene produced her kittens in the early hours of the 11th Feb and wanted them all to be in with Talayeh's kittens so we now have a very large box with two cats and 13 kittens. First indications are that there are four females and two males. All are feeding well and Selene is being a super mum.