Just dropping you a line to let you know how we are getting on with our adorable tonks.
The trip home wasn't too bad, we got to the hotel around 11pm and settled down for the
night, leaving early the next day back to guernsey. The tonks were no problem at all
on the way home, occasionally the girl ‘Indie' meowed to express her thoughts of the
carrier box (she wasn't too impressed) whilst Archie was almost silent the entire
We arrived home at 10:30am saturday morning and opened the carrier box in one of our
spare bedrooms which was earlier armed with a few toys. They immediately went and hid
under a bed so jo and i left them to it so they could become familiar with their
surroundings. Jo and I peered through the window from the outside to see if they
had come out from their hideaways and to our delight they were jumping about and
chasing each other around the room whilst exploring every nook and cranny of their
new home.
Later on in the day, we let the door open to allow them to roam further throughout
the house, they were very timid towards us but still friendly acknowledging us with
polite and gentle greetings. We left them to it for a couple of hours while they
explored the remaining rooms of the house. Upon our return home we were scented
and greeted proper cat style with meows and leg rubbing. For the next several
hours they were in ‘Play Mode', showing off their acrobatic skills as they chased
a toy dangled from a wand - besides the balls, kitten tents, tunnel etc this is
by far their favourite toy. Both of them growl like dogs when they catch the
toy to deter the other from pinching it from their grasp.
Indie is a very clever cat, she leads Archie most of the time, she is very outgoing
and is always the first to find something new to do or play with. She is very
gentle towards us and displays her affection to Jo and I very lovingly, she is
so sweet and very intelligent. She has a very loud and relaxing purr which we
both love. She loves to chase and be chased by Archie around the house at
speeds that would high brow a group of Formula 1 racing drivers!
Archie, now here is one adorable little poopoo! He is the quiet shy one. At first
he followed his sister everywhere, if he got too far away from her he would meow and
Indie would come to his rescue (they do this a lot actually, for instance if one of
them finds something and the other is out of sight they call for the other as if
to show them what they've found, I'm fascinated by this and it gives me a smile
every time it happens). In recent days Archie has come out of his shell and is
a bit more independant, he's not soley relying on his sister for entertainment
anymore and occasionally he will find something new to do and want to show his
sister what it is he's doing.
When we came to see them the first time he was a right little scallywag, clawing
up legs and scratching but I'm happy to report that he's learning to play gentle
with us now, keeping his claws retracted while we tickle him which is good news.
He has quickly learnt that toys are for playing with but human hands, flesh and
skin is for loving.
We have had no trouble at all with them, they have not soiled the house once, the
litter tray i completely second nature to them, in fact they have already started
toilet training (we are teaching them to use a real toilet) and this is going well,
they are very clean when they do their business which must be down to your good
care and upbringing, something Jo and I are very happy about.
They have settled in so well, they have been visited by friends and family members
and have welcomed all with open arms (or should i say paws :). They are both so
adorable and we love them totally unconditionally, Jo and I can't wait to see
them when we come home and when we arrive they greet us and instantly want us
to play with them - and being so much fun how can re refuse!
We just wanted to say thank you ever so much for these little darlings, you've done
an excellent job with these two happy and charming pussy cats, you are a credit to
the Tonkinese breeder fraternity and it has been a pleasure to have met you and your
wonderful family. No doubt you will hear from us again at some point in the future.