Mist & Alexi kittens 2015


Sandypoints Sir Alexi (24b)


16 May 2015


Mist is a wonderful new mum, she had the advantage of sitting in when her brothers & sisters were born and then babysitting up until her own arrived on the scene. Only trouble was she wanted to mother both her kittens and her Mums, so they have had to be separated. Mist had no problems during the delivery and all kittens were born at regular intervals, normal presentation and no complications. Mist is ultra protective of them and refuses to leave the birthing pen. There are seven kitts, four male and three female, all of an equal size. A few days on and the kittens are growing rapidly.


The Males

Sola (Adopted)
Phoebus (Adopted)
Khepri (Adopted)
Sargon (Adopted)

The Females

Oriana (Adopted)
Teruko (Adopted)
Sunniva (Adopted)