It's been over a year since we picked up our little kitties from you, and I thought you were due lots of photos and an update. I meant to do this months and months ago, but time just slips by so sorry for that.
Fitz and Morty (he got renamed from Rascal) are the kings of our house now. Their every whim is catered for and I think they are quite pleased with their human subjects! They both have such different and fantastic personalities I'll describe them separately.
Fitzy is the independent boy, and has a great love for roaming his kingdom shouting at me when he feels I'm not paying enough attention at his observations. Anything vertical is instantly scaled, so as you can imagine, any cat beds are now on wardrobes/bookshelves/cupboards! He's much more active than Morty and will happily have hour long sessions leaping around the house after a cat wand. We let them out the back garden occasionally when we are out there too to supervise/shepherd and watch him chase flies but they are 100% indoor cats as it's too busy around us and I'd worry far too much. From a tiny kitten he found jumping up Rich's back and on to his shoulders was really fun, and Rich continued to train him into adulthood so he'll ride around on his shoulders whilst Rich does chores etc. He occasionally does it to me too, but I think I'm just not as comfy! Of course, like all cats sleeping time is very important and as I am now working from home pretty much all the time, I'll always have 2 furry companions clustered next to me or on me. I definitely didn't need to worry about them not being cuddly.
Morty has a very unique personality. He reminds me of a ragdoll and is completely mummy's boy, though he'll roll over and demand tummy rubs from anyone. He's floppy and cuddly and hilarious. He's taken on his mum's love for woollen or sponge cat toy balls and will play football with them or carry them around in his mouth. Both of them are very vocal! I think this is possibly because I talk so much even when I'm at home on my own, or maybe just their Siamese voices, but Morty has an amazing vocal range - we should have called him Pavarotti...! Dinner time is like feeding time at a zoo, they'll chirrup at birds, sing at me if I sing, and occasionally Morty can make a very deep almost roaring noise which always makes me jump. We always get greeted if one of us has been out, so it's really like having dogs.
They are a little wary of some visitors when they initially come in, but then they'll be very friendly. A couple of our friends have been honoured with being singled out for attention more than us!
As for general things, both of them were neutered at Jaffa Vets (amazing place) and that all went well, they are due a vets visit this month/March for an update to their vaccinations. Other than that they've been really healthy. We're still feeding raw, we've tried various different things, pre-made ground from DAF initially, then Nutriment with some of our own homemade mix. They will eat 'regular' cat food, so a high quality dry food can be useful if we go away for a night, wet canned makes them sick so they've never had that again, so really I only feed them dried if we have to. At the moment I am switching them off Nutriment on to our chopped homemade mix, and then once they have jaw strength I think I'll try to go with 'Frankenprey' if they can handle the raw meaty bones. Maybe there'll even be a day old chick on the menu in the future! I'm a huge advocate for the raw diet, despite it involving hours of research and adjustments, so thank you for introducing us to that. Their coats are beautiful, litter tray is easy to clean, and their teeth are good (my main reason for switching off ground now to keep them chewing and gums good).
Oh and they are quite big! Morty turned out to be 5.6kg and Fitz to 5.1kg. They've been stable at that for several months now so I think they're done growing.
Both of them have added so much to our lives, I can't imagine how it was to have a household without them now. They are a delight and the best companions. Thank you so much for bringing such wonderful cats into the world!
I hope you and your cats and kittens are doing well?